Saturday, 28 June 2008

DOCTOR WHO (again)

I said to my missus a few weeks back (not that she listens to anything I say) that I thought David Tennant would leave at the end of this series - it's looking likely now innit? A good episode though, giving all the guest stars enough to do to warrant them actually being in there - much more than the five Doctors story ever did. Care to guess who else will die before the series is through?
I must admit I find these series finales too dark, and last weeks Turn Left story was even heavier still. I don't think I've watched any finale again since they've been broadcast, and looking back over the last series I'm not sure how many I'll be re-watching; and yet, I do actually enjoy the show. The gurning Tennant has been great fun, shouty Tate has been SO much better than I thought she'd be, but where does it go from here if Tennant leaves? A new Doctor and no new series next year? It'll be hard to pull off. Let's hope they manage it.

Monday, 23 June 2008

DOCTOR WHO the return of Rose

Why had Billie Piper stolen Ken Dodd's teeth?

Friday, 20 June 2008

Went to the local multiplex yesterday to see Prince Caspian ( the new Narnia film) only to be told it doesn't start until next week!
Had to put my sweeties back on the rack and slink away feeling like a right eejit....
My Missus has orange prepay on speed dial on her mobile. How lazy do you have to be to not want to dial 453?!!
She said `It's just easier - my balance on my phone on speed dial 2. Joanne's on speed dial 5...'
So where am I?
`You're on 9. It's alphabetical - 2 is b for balance. 5 is J for Joanne"
So how come I'm 9? Am I soon to be X husband?!!